Eruption started in the mid 1990s as small independent publishing and art company. The dream then was to hide in the mountains with pen, paper, paints and adventures. My experiences expand as an outdoor leader, journalist, artist, teacher and tribal activist. These would keep me busy creating endless paperbacks to change the world! But Life kept handing me new opportunities— adventures, the ski industry, the visual and written arts, race relations, classrooms (both indoor and outdoor), culinary arts and my fascinating tribal family— for more ways to be my dynamic self for more decades.
Today, all of that action has weaved a path for me as the Curator and Tribal Liaison for R.L.K. and Company. Since 1955, this company holds the operating permit of a National Historic Landmark Building and ski area at the top of Oregon. You know it as Timberline Lodge. Thankfully, my ski instruction keeps me moving right along with these roles where I blend my passion for the mountains, arts and ancestral land connections.

weaving it together
Without hesitation, I've started the transition for Eruption to a be a non-profit 501c3 company while thriving at my career. My heart remains with the mountain and tribal communities in my professional and personal time. Connecting those valuable dots of resources will keep me active in endless ways.
Recently, I've accepted the invitation to serve as President of Cascadia Center for Arts and Crafts, a humble and unique arts collective of my mountain community. As this evolves, so does my involvement as a selected ambassador for JEDI Outdoors, a BIWOC woman-powered ski instructor initiative of the outdoor industry for Black, Indigenous, Women of Color. Timberline Lodge's 501c3, The Friends of Timberline, have invited me to be a liaison for their Cultural Committee. I am honored to be a part of these active organizations.
My role with my tribal community, as well as my rural mountain community as a leader, is to be an active part of positive change. And it’s my goal to be the thread, the “wisxáwas,” that best connects us.
on its way to 501c3
Eruption is a registered business owned and run by a woman of color. Moving right along with that, Eruption is on its way to 501c3 non-profit status. If you are interested as an investor to my new path, please connect with me. Together, we will pivot toward positive change. Eruption is always working hard to improve race relations and gender equality.

All ages and levels
My art classes help students recognize and practice given talents while absorbed in a studio setting. Eruption artists explore multicultural styles, valuable techniques and resources at a comfortable pace. They experience discovery. They discover a completely different part of their brain and its powers. I believe in whole-brain activities for healthy artistic lifestyles. So the lessons are best suited for every developmental stage of human life. Yep, that’s right, all ages.

American Indian & More
As an enrolled member of a recognized First Nations tribe in the United States, my human experience reaches into the sub-culture of the American Indian and more. The ongoing race relations dialogue continues to puzzle many communities. I can help to bridge the gaps. My experience honors the past, commits to the present and respects the future. Let's start a dialogue.
Through My Lens

Let's Change The World
Start simple or jump in head first, I can help you move into the right direction. What matters most is seeing a future through a different lens. Eruption offers dependable dialogues that best connect equity, inclusion and a diverse focus. That’s a good idea for anyone who plans to thrive in this challenging world.

who am i
Art is Life, ohh, and the mountains. Always the mountains.
I am both a modern & traditional professional artist, athlete and business woman. I work full time at Oregon's tallest volcano as the Curator & Tribal Liaison for Timberline Lodge. My Eruption small business embraces my artistry, my culture and the love of teaching. I've been teaching art classes in local schools for 20+ years. This unique combination supports a steady list of my accomplishments. And it creates an outstanding tango that combines work with fun. Living in a rural community requires flexibility, credibility and endurance. Especially when it comes to sustaining a healthy career.
My heritage is blended. I am of American Indian (Wanapum-Cascade, enrolled member of the Yakama Tribal Nation) and Pacific Islander Filipino ancestry. I feel comfortable working with many diverse groups of people. I've had great experiences bridging the gaps.
I've helped to formulate new Rural Initiatives, document Treaty Conferences, create the Oregon Cultural Trust, the Mt Hood Artisans, the Mt Hood Cultural Center and Museum and several other valuable cultural connections in Oregon, Washington and California. I am the current President of 501c3 Cascadia Center for Arts and Crafts and an Ambassador of JEDI Outdoors, a cohort initiative for BIPOC women professional ski instructors. I volunteer at my local school district and lend a hand whenever possible in my community.
I follow the paramount cultural standards of proper Dialogue and proper leadership etiquette. Since the age of 14, I've had job titles that directly link to working with children and school districts. And for over 30 years, I've continually worked part-time or full-time in the Ski Industry.
What I do must represent the core values of my Family. I am of a Family of Chiefs, Teachers, Principals, Activists, Judges, Administrators, Inventors, Musicians, Scientists, Carpenters, Buyers, Tribal Storytellers, Event Planners, Hunters, Gatherers, Fishermen, Drummers, Dancers, Cooks, Nurses, Veterans, Loggers, Mentors, Farmers, Printers, Artists, Athletes, Business Leaders, Community Leaders, Movers and Groovers.
I've kept intact with my Cultural and Tribal responsibilities in many good ways-- As a dedicated artist, as a good teacher and as a proper progressive business woman. I follow the correct path as a community leader. I am striving to make a difference. Skills, flexibility, respect, patience and manners are what it takes to keep building bridges and eroding the barriers. As long as I have a sharp pencil and sheet of paper at my side, I'm willing to give anything a try.
Everything takes preparation. Everything expects excitement. And everything resembles chaos. Add some smartness. Throw in some curiosity. Invite imagination.
What do you get?
You get yourself an Eruption.
You get me, Lisa Riversong.
Erupt with me.
Erupt With Me
Guided by the Great Pacific NW
Rugged peaks and hearty trees are my closest friends. I’m in a love affair with my front yard’s ancient volcano. I’ve been a creature of habit. In a diverse and intelligent world, my experiences have explored everything imaginable. Well, almost everything. Some say I fall too easily with Adventure. Yep, they’re on point there.
Share the passion. Cherish heritage.
Expect worldwide shared literacy.
Dream smart business.
Bridge communities.
Be Kind.
Be Alive.